Subhendu Chakraborty

Senior Scientist

Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research

Bremen, Germany




I am interested in using mathematical models to better understand complex marine ecosystems. My expertise lies in developing quantitative models of microbial cells that can accurately predict and explain biological, ecological, and biogeochemical phenomenon. I use variety of data sources, including field observations and experimental data, to parameterize and validate my models.

Important Publications

S Moorthi, M Busch, U Feudel, U Tillmann, B Krock, B Kooi, J Brinkmann, and S Chakraborty (2024) "Allelochemicals determine competition and grazing control in Alexandrium catenella", Harmful Algae, (102704).


S Chakraborty, K Andersen, A Visser, K Inomura, M Follows, and L Riemann (2021) "Quantifying nitrogen fixation by heterotrophic bacteria in sinking marine particles", Nature communications, 12 (4085).


S Chakraborty, M Pančić, KH Andersen, and T Kiørboe (2019) "The cost of toxin production in phytoplankton: the case of PST producing dinoflagellates", The ISME Journal, 13, 64–75.


S Chakraborty, L Nielsen, and K Andersen (2017) "Trophic strategies of unicellular plankton", The American Naturalist, 189 (4), E77–E90.