List of publications (Google Scholar)
- Particle- associated N2 fixation by heterotrophic bacteria in the global ocean (2025). S Chakraborty, KH Andersen, A Merico, L Riemann. Science Advances 11, eadq4693 [Link]
Ecological and environmental factors influencing exclusion patterns of phytoplankton size classes in lake systems (2025). SW To, E Acevedo-Trejos, SL Smith, S Chakraborty, A Merico. Ecological Complexity 61, 101115. [Link]
- Allelochemicals determine competition and grazing control in Alexandrium catenella (2024). S Moorthi, M Busch, U Feudel, U Tillmann, B Krock, B Kooi, J Brinkmann, S Chakraborty. Harmful Algae 138, 102704. [Link]
- Rapid mode switching facilitates the growth of Trichodesmium: A model analysis (2024). M Gao, J Andrews, G Armin, S Chakraborty, JP Zehr, K Inomura. iScience 27(6), 109906. [Link]
- Grazing strategies determine the size composition of phytoplankton in eutrophic lakes (2024). SW To, E Acevedo‐Trejos, S Chakraborty, F Pomati, A Merico. Limnology and Oceanography 69 (4), 933-946. [Link]
- Irregular harmful algal blooms triggered by feedback between toxin production and zooplankton feeding (2022). S Chakraborty, SD Moorthi, R Karnatak, U Feudel. Ecological Modelling 473, 110120. [Link]
- Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs (2022). E Acevedo-Trejos, M Cadier, S Chakraborty, B Chen, SY Cheung, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 975414. [Link]
- Quantifying nitrogen fixation by heterotrophic bacteria in sinking marine particles (2021). S Chakraborty, KH Andersen, AW Visser, K Inomura, MJ Follows, L Riemann. Nature communications 12 (1), 4085. [Link]
- Seasonal strategies in the world’s oceans (2020). AW Visser, P Brun, S Chakraborty, TS Dencker, PD van Denderen, ... Progress in Oceanography 189, 102466. [Link]
- Latitudinal variation in plankton traits and ecosystem function (2020). S Chakraborty, M Cadier, AW Visser, J Bruggeman, KH Andersen. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34 (8), e2020GB006564. [Link]
- Destabilization, stabilization, and multiple attractors in saturated mixotrophic environments (2020). T Lindstrom, Y Cheng, S Chakraborty. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80 (6), 2338-2364. [Link]
- The cost of toxin production in phytoplankton: the case of PST producing dinoflagellates (2019). S Chakraborty, M Pančić, KH Andersen, T Kiørboe. The ISME Journal 13 (1), 64-75. [Link]
- Interactive effects of prey refuge and additional food for predator in a diffusive predator-prey system (2017). S Chakraborty, PK Tiwari, SK Sasmal, S Biswas, S Bhattacharya, J Chattopadhyay. Applied Mathematical Modelling 47, 128-140. [Link]
- Effects of fertilizers used in agricultural fields on algal blooms (2017). S Chakraborty, PK Tiwari, SK Sasmal, AK Misra, J Chattopadhyay. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226, 2119-2133. [Link]
- Trophic strategies of unicellular plankton (2017). S Chakraborty, LT Nielsen, KH Andersen. The American Naturalist 189 (4), E77-E90. [Link]
- Modeling succession of key resource-harvesting traits of mixotrophic plankton (2017). T Berge, S Chakraborty, PJ Hansen, KH Andersen. The ISME journal 11 (1), 212-223. [Link]
- Toxic phytoplankton as a keystone species in aquatic ecosystems: stable coexistence to biodiversity (2016). S Chakraborty, A Ramesh, PS Dutta. Oikos 125 (5), 735-746. [Link]
- The influence of generalist predators in spatially extended predator–prey systems (2015). S Chakraborty. Ecological complexity 23, 50-60. [Link]
- Spatial dynamics of a nutrient–phytoplankton system with toxic effect on phytoplankton (2015). S Chakraborty, PK Tiwari, AK Misra, J Chattopadhyay. Mathematical Biosciences 264, 94-100. [Link]
- Revealing the role of predator interference in a predator–prey system with disease in prey population (2015). S Chakraborty, BW Kooi, B Biswas, J Chattopadhyay. Ecological complexity 21, 100-111. [Link]
- Harmful algal blooms: combining excitability and competition (2014). S Chakraborty, U Feudel. Theoretical ecology 7, 221-237. [Link]
- The role of avoidance by zooplankton for survival and dominance of toxic phytoplankton (2012). S Chakraborty, S Bhattacharya, U Feudel, J Chattopadhyay. Ecological complexity 11, 144-153. [Link]
- Fish kairomones, its benefits and detriments: A model based study both from releaser and acceptor perspective (2011). S Samanta, S Chakraborty, S Bhattacharya, J Chattopadhyay. Ecological complexity 8 (3), 258-264. [Link]
- The effect of costs associated with toxin production in a competitive system (2011). S Chaudhuri, S Chakraborty, J Chattopadhyay. Journal of Biological Dynamics 5 (4), 318-334. [Link]
- Effect of cannibalism on a predator–prey system with nutritional value: a model based study (2011). S Chakraborty, J Chattopadhyay. Dynamical Systems 26 (1), 13-22. [Link]
- Effect of vertical migration of zooplankton on the stability of eutrophic ecosystems (2011). S Samanta, S Chakraborty. Bull. Cal. Math. Soc 103 (3), 247-254. [Link]
- Migratory effect of middle predator in a tri‐trophic food chain model (2010). T Chowdhury, S Chakraborty, J Chattopadhyay. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 33 (14), 1699-1711. [Link]
- A simple mathematical model for seasonal planktonic blooms (2009). S Chatterjee, E Venturino, S Chakraborty, J Chattopadhyay. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 32 (13), 1738-1750. [Link]
- Nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton dynamics in the presence of additional food source—A mathematical study (2008). S Chakraborty, J Chattopadhyay. Journal of Biological Systems 16 (04), 547-564. [Link]
- Density dependent predator death prevalence chaos in a tri-trophic food chain model (2008). M Bandyopadhyay, S Chatterjee, S Chakraborty, J Chattopadhyay. Nonlinear analysis: Modelling and control 13 (3), 305-324. [Link]
- Nutrient-limited toxin production and the dynamics of two phytoplankton in culture media: a mathematical model (2008). S Chakraborty, S Roy, J Chattopadhyay. Ecological modelling 213 (2), 191-201. [Link]
- Recurring plankton bloom dynamics modeled via toxin-producing phytoplankton (2007). S Chakraborty, S Chatterjee, E Venturino, J Chattopadhyay. Journal of biological physics 33 (4), 271-290. [Link]
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